The "Shape Up" Project Management Method
There are many methodologies and techniques for project management. One of them is called “Shape Up” and in simplified terms this is how it works:
1. Shaping
This is the project planning stage. From what I’ve seen it’s using top-to-bottom heuristics.
2. Betting
Establishing the resources that the team is willing to allocate in the project’s feature to be worked on or “sprint”. This includes scheduling and death lines.
3. Building
This is when the team works on the “Shaped Up” project feature. It’s arranged in Six-Week Splits and Two Week Cooldowns.
In cooldowns the members of the team can work in pet projects or stuff that they personally enjoy. Some tools can be made by the team in the cooldown periods.
The company Font Awesome uses this methodology for their feature project management. You can listen to their podcast where they talk about “Shape Up” more extensively.