
Hola! I'm Miguel and this is my laboratory of cybernetics
en es

So there was a little bug in my blog, it didn’t really affected me much but I knew about it. It took me some weeks to care enough for me to report it in a Github issue, then it stayed in the open issue queue for 3 weeks, I then decided I would fix it myself, it took me some days to decide and implement the fix. Took some other days for the pull request to be accepted and merged. In between this time I abandoned my blog and writing all together. Congratulations to me, I got paralyzed by my perfectionist stupidity.

I’ve noticed that when my ADHD is in a really rough stage my finger tapping or finger drumming while trying to go along the music will be really off. I usually drink coffee to stimulate my brain and compensate the effects of this condition. When properly caffeinated my finger drumming will be tighter, but of course it doesn’t make me a good drummer.