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17 Jan 24 04:43 CST Proximity.ai Search Result

Grokking is a term used to describe a deep and intuitive understanding of something, to the point where the observer becomes a part of the observed[1][2][3]. Some examples of grokking in everyday life include mastering a particular skill or subject, such as a video game or programming language[1][3]. Grokking can also refer to developing a deep emotional connection with someone or something, to the point where the observer becomes a part of the observed[2]. For example, drinking water can be considered a physical form of grokking, where the water becomes a part of the drinker and the drinker becomes part of the water[2]. In programming, grokking can refer to understanding a particular concept or language so deeply that it becomes a part of the programmer’s being[3].


[1] https://www.npr.org/2014/07/08/329884096/grokking-and-greebling-in-the-strange-land-of-gamer-lingo [2] https://careers.imc.com/us/en/grok-it [3] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-grokking-dave-eng [4] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/grok [5] https://www.dictionary.com/browse/grokking